Steve, my husband, had told my son Dallen, "Instead of hiking in Moab with the Scouts, we will just really go to Vegas."
Well, Dallen took him serious and had packed to go to Vegas.
I asked to double check his bags to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything. Dallen adamantly declined saying, "I didn't forget anything, you gave me a list!"
Being the wise mother to my 14 year old, I figure... if he runs out of socks... he runs out of socks.
I drop my son off to a friend's house to be able to hang before he has to go to "Scout Camp"...
Before the packing incident, Dallen and Steve would say, "I'm so excited for 'Scout Camp'" they were having a little too much fun with it sarcastically...
When I pick up Dallen from his buddy's house, his buddy says, "Hey have a great time in Vegas." I think nothing of it because I am used to Steve's humor, "Instead of hanging in Moab with the Scouts, we will just head to Vegas." I just assumed Dallen was sharing the humor.
Without connecting the dots of Dallen's sly way to cover why his buddy said 'Hey have a great time in Vegas.'... Dallen says, "Ya, all my buddies call my house Vegas."
"Really? Why?"
"My mom has purple hair, my dad is crazy, my sister is extreme, I have a black brother and I am, well, look at me, I am ME... Our house is chill and fun... so they just call us Vegas."
"Hmmm"... folks, I did not connect these dots until just moments ago! LOL
This morning, I get the husband and son out of bed. I nag my husband to get packed and loaded while offering to make him breakfast or assist him in any way.
Dallen has it easy, he already packed last night before going to buddy's house.
I take the liberty to just take a small peek just to make sure he has enough socks. I open the bag... "Dallen, it looks like you packed for Vegas... unacceptable... and you have no socks... get this repacked."
I hand him his bag and he wouldn't let me assist him... 'He's got it!'
I finally get the boys out the door (late) and next thing I know, they are back again. I ask, "What did you guys forget?"
Steve says, "Dallen packed for Vegas!"
I called Steve a bit later to make sure they checked in and were on their way. Steve was not happy about going to Moab and couldn't believe I was making them go.
Of course my 14 year old is not going to have a good attitude about going... not to mention many of his buddies were saying they wished they could of gone.
My sweet innocent little 6'1" fourteen year old is on the cusp... he is a lot like my husband... they are really good at being good...BUT... they are really good at being BAD.
I text my husband, "I wish I could have gone in your shoes! I know I would make it a memorable experience for my son that would be a total brick that builds his foundation as a FINE YOUNG GODLY MAN!
That is the last I have heard from them.
Justin is back for a visit... love that 25 year old black boy of mine. His dear mother has shared her beautiful son with me for five years now... the same amount of time I have had my first born son in my life... Justin's mother passed this year. Justin was planning on coming for my first born son's wedding but instead of attending a wedding, Justin was attending a funeral... Isn't that ironic.
It has been very nice having Justin, as always. Justin is very protective of me and does not tolerate Dallen talking disrespectful to me. I seriously feel he is an angel that comes for visits to watch over me when I will be needing him most and he loves all of us so unconditionally.
Which gets me thinking of that other kid of mine that another mother shares with me, Sidnee Liah. It never fails... when our family needs extra love because of the intense energy our house can escalate to, I get the sweetest phone call, "Mama Keri, whatcha doing today?" God bless for Sidnee Liah!!! She calms my 12 year old daughter and can get her in a really happy good mood.
And that brings me to that FIRST one of mine... that FIRST one of mine is out of my space for right now. I feel he needs a break from me... He has taken for granted that he is an adoptee that has found his mother... and that is all I will say about that.
That is a hilarious story about Vegas vs Scout Camp!!!!